OCPN is a listing of our community's justice and peace organizations that are interested
in nonviolent means to peace. Our organizations range from gang prevention, interfaith
dialogue, to world peace coalitions and many more. We want this website to make our
community's peacebuilding organizations more visible and provide a space to network
with each other as they contribute to a safer world. Please scroll below the calendar
for the list of OCPN affiliates.
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"A non-advocacy group promoting connections and cooperation to build a community of
Concerned Citizens of Laguna Woods Village
Ahimsa Center at Cal Poly Pomona Ahimsa is nonviolence rooted in courage and compassion, fearlessness and forgiveness.
It connotes reverence for all life. It evokes civility and trust, and promotes lasting
peace in society. The Ahimsa Center was established in 2004 in the College of Letters,
Arts and Social Sciences at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. The Center
is focused on interdisciplinary teaching and learning about nonviolence and its practical
applications at various levels: personal, interpersonal, societal, national and international.
Educational and outreach initiatives of the Center facilitate an understanding of
ahimsa as a positive force informing the ways of thinking as well as living. Through
its educational programs and outreach activities, the Ahimsa Center fosters synergistic
interactions among students, scholars, educators and the community at large. Contact info: Tara Sethia, Ph.D., Director and Professor, History Department,. 3801 West Temple
Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768 Phone 909.869.3868 tsethia@csupomona.edu www.csupomona.edu/ahimsacenter

The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) is a coalition of diverse organizations working together to build sustainable peace
and security worldwide. Members of AfP are directly engaged in applied conflict prevention
and resolution. They provide negotiation and mediation services, train negotiators,
facilitate communication to break down barriers, and help find solutions to the issues
and pressures that otherwise drive groups and nations to achieve their objectives
through violent force. Members also conduct research and provide evaluation and education.
The role of AfP is to bring these organizations together for collaborative peacebuilding.
The American Jewish Committee is the nation's oldest human relations agency. Founded in 1906, AJC is dedicated to
democracy and the values that support it. We work at the local, national, and international
level to build understanding among religious and ethnic groups: to combat anti-Semitism,
racism, and other forms of bigotry; and to foster respect for the dignity of all.
Our programs focus on local, national and international issues, from education to
political advocacy. Contact info.: The American Jewish Committee Orange County Chapter 2222 Martin Street, Suite 150
Irvine, CA 92612 Phone: 949/ 660-8525 FAX: 949/ 660-0570 Email: OrangeCounty@AJC.org www.ajc.org

Baha'i Center of San Clemente
Contact info: 3316 Ave Del Presidente, San Clemente, CA 92672 Tel: 949.218.8284 E-mail mzshortee19@aol.com
Be The Cause As a fully volunteer-run network, Be The Cause has no paid staff and no office space.
We are comprised of individuals who believe that what we do, what we say, and what
we think starts a profound cause and effect chain reaction in the world we live in.
Volunteers in numerous cities work together to coordinate various projects and to
genuinely move to a place of greater good. Be the Cause, at best, is a reminder of
the things that matter most in life; as a metaphor for the movement that we are all
engaged in. By laying one foot on the ground the other follows. Only by beginning
can we move forward. Contact info: Sukh Chugh, PO Box 3575, Tustin, CA 92781, 760.280.8073, E-mail:info@bethecause.org http://www.bethecause.org/

Breast Cancer Solution This is the only organization of its kind in Southern California providing sustained
financial support to breast cancer patients near or below the poverty level who might
otherwise forego or be denied treatment. Heather Anne Rocha, Development Director, 949.752.2750, mobile 949.500.9825, fax 866.781.6068 www.breastcancersolutions.org
Center for Living Peace is a bridge for positive change. We provide the tools and spaces to inspire inner
peace and the collective expression of living peacefully. We also bring like minded
organizations together so they can build a stronger sense of community. Contact Info: Faradee Rudy, Executive Director e-mail: contact@goodhappens.org 949.945.4431 www.goodhappens.org
Center for Living Peace is a bridge for positive change. We provide the tools and spaces to inspire inner
peace and the collective expression of living peacefully. We also bring like minded
organizations together so they can build a stronger sense of community. Contact Info: Faradee Rudy, Executive Director e-mail: contact@goodhappens.org 949.945.4431 www.goodhappens.org
Center for Spiritual Discovery A thriving and sacred work, the Center is home to over 250 members and friends.
See our website for more info: Contact info: Jim Turrell, Pastor, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
714.754.7399 Office www.cmrs.org
Chapman University, Delp-Wilkinson Peace Studies was established to support Peace Studies at Chapman. Through an endowment, we support
student travel to conferences and study tour classes. We provide books and videos
to enrich the program and we support the Peace Lecture Series that annually brings at least one prominent peacemaker to campus to speak and meet
with students. Contact info: Dr. Donald Will, Professor of Peace Studies and Associate Dean, Wilkinson College
of Letters & Sciences, Dept. of Political Science, One University Drive, Orange, CA
92866, Phone: 714.997.6620 Fax: 714.744.7400 e-mail: will@chapman.edu Website

Citizens for Global Solutions Citizens for Global Solutions is a membership organization working to build political
will in the United States to achieve our vision. We do this by educating Americans
about our global interdependence, communicating global concerns to public officials,
and developing proposals to create, reform, and strengthen international institutions
such as the United Nations. Membership is open to all interested persons. Citizens
for Global Solutions envisions a future in which nations work together to abolish
war, protect our rights and freedoms, and solve the problems facing humanity that
no nation can solve alone. This vision requires effective democratic global institutions
that will apply the rule of law while respecting the diversity and autonomy of national
and local communities. Contact info: Karen Stone, Chapter Leader for Laguna Hills/Laguna Woods.e-mail:Karsto41@aol.com Website address: http://www.globalsolutions.org/

Common Ground Spiritual Center - Corona: We are an Inclusive Spiritual Community honoring all paths to God and all
people on this planet. We gather for Sunday service at 10:00am at The Woman's Improvement
Club (1101 S. Main Street, Corona, 92882).Common Ground Corona also hosts: Reiki Healing
Circle, Women's Wisdom Circle, Alliance for a New Humanity and Community Outreach. Contact Info: Rev. Danell Wheeler, Phone: 951.264.5147, e-mail: danell@commongroundcorona.com www.CommonGroundCorona.com

Council on Islamic Education CIIE's mission is to support and strengthen American public education as the best
foundation for a vibrant democracy, a healthy civil society, and a globally literate
citizenry. CIE was founded in 1990 as a national, non-profit, non-advocacy resource
organization T he Council on Islamic Education exists to foster fair-minded analyses
and understandings of world cultures, their creative interactions and possibilities
for growth through research based on the highest standards of historical and social
scholarship, and open debate in the public square. Contact info: Shabbir Mansuri, Founding Director 9300 Gardenia St. #B-3, Fountain Valley, CA 92708,
Tel: 714.839.2929 Fax: 714.839.2714 E-mail: info@cie.org http://www.cie.org/
Cousins Club of Orange County Formed in 1988 by Jews, Palestinians, and others concerned about the Israeli - Palestinian
conflict. Our monthly meeting features a guest speaker who is an expert on some aspect
of the conflict and/or Israeli or Palestinian life under the occupation. We sponsor
public educational meetings, counter clichés and misinformation in local newspapers,
and meet with our legislators to present a reasoned view of mid-Eastern affairs. Everyone
who has an interest in peace in the Middle East is invited to join us on the second
Tuesday of each month. Contact info: Ted Shapin; P.O. Box 5891, Orange, California 92863-5891; phone: 714.633.0922 e-mail:info@cousinscluboc.org; http://www.cousinscluboc.org/
(The) Dalai Lama Foundation is an international organization whose mission is to support the development of our
shared global capacity for ethics and peace. It was established by friends and students
of the Dalai Lama who wish to support his efforts for peace and the alleviation of
human suffering. The Foundation is international in scope, with a growing network
of National Chapters that includes Japan, Canada, Russia and Nigeria. Our headquarters
is in Redwood City, California, USA. Visit us on the Web at www.dalailamafoundation.org
to learn of our educational projects and programs.Contact Info: Tenzin N. Tethong, Pres.; 61 Renato Court #24, Redwood City, CA 94061; phone/fax
650.368.4435 E-mail: info@dlfound.org http://www.dalailamafoundation.org

Gather the Women Gather the Women is a grassroots, global community of women who share the belief
that the time is now to activate the incredible power of women's wisdom. Women create
opportunities for women to connect, inspire and encourage action for creating a world
of peace, balance and well-being for all. Contact: Info: Joy Adams, Phone: 949.235.3603, E-Mail: gtwwocal@gmail.com www.gtwsocal.org
Golden West College, Peace Studies Program and Peace, Mind & Body Club Peace Studies at Golden West College is an interdisciplinary program formed to provide
students with the tools they need to work towards a more peaceful world. This program
was created with the conviction that education, awareness, and activism are essential
to those interested in becoming the custodians of our futures. Through education we
can empower students to lead with knowledge and passion, building bridges between
daily reality and new possibility. Through awareness one can find ways to create peace,
within one’s self, between the self and others, between “us” and “them” or between
humans and nature. The Peace Studies program supports pioneers dedicated to peace. Contact info: Fran Faraz, Peace Studies Coordinator; 15744 Golden West St. Huntington Beach,Ca
92647 ffarazdaghi@gwc.cccd.edu; http://gwc.info/peacebodybrain/
Helpneighbors.com Is a free Donation Website - designed to match people in their neighborhood that could use a
little help. Easy way to PASS on items such as clothes, toys, etc. that their children
have outgrown. Allows a more personal and fulfilling way to make a difference in
another persons life. The families that need help create profiles to list their exact needs for their
family. They can list the ages and sizes of their children and any items that are
needed. The helpers sign up and then are allowed to browse profiles by zip code and
chose a family they would like to help. We all have items sitting around our house
that we no longer need and could mean the world to someone else. We have events every
2-3 months in Orange County and invite everyone to come together for the purpose of
helping each other.
Imagine Peace/Common Ground Spiritual Center Each Tuesday from 4 to 5PM, a group from Common Ground Spiritual Community (www.embracehumanity.com)
gather to stand at the intersection of Irvine Blvd and Prospect Ave, in the city of
Tustin, holding signs that read "Imagine Peace". We also hold a meditation for peace
the first Sunday of each month from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. Please join us as often as
possible at both of these events. For the vigil, we stand on the northeast corner
and there is parking off of Prospect just a few yards north of Irvine Blvd. We look
forward to seeing you there! Contact info: Carol Marshall - 714.961.5439
The Inside Edge Foundation for Education The Inside Edge Foundation for Education is a membership organization where intellectually-curious
and spiritually-conscious people meet for learning and fun. Each week we have well-known, cutting-edge speakers whose topics
range from psychology, scientific breakthroughs, and global issues to success strategies,
spiritual awareness, and the arts. We also maintain an online library of these speakers
dating back to 2004. Contact info: Adrian Windsor, Ph.D., Program Director, P.O. Box 53351. Irvine, CA 92619-3351 949.460.4242
Email: info@insideedge.orgffarazdaghi@gwc.cccd.edu http:/insideedge.org/
Institute on Religion and Civic Values (IRCV) The Mission of IRCV is to strengthen civil society by exploring issues at the intersection
of faith, citizenship, and pluralism and to serve as a catalyst to align public policymaking
with our nation's core values. Contact Info: Shabbir Mansuri, Founding Director, Address: P.O. Box 20186, Fountain Valley, CA 92728
Telephone: 714.839.2929 Email:info@ircv.org http://www.ircv.org/
Institute on Religion and Civic Values (IRCV) The Mission of IRCV is to strengthen civil society by exploring issues at the intersection
of faith, citizenship, and pluralism and to serve as a catalyst to align public policymaking
with our nation's core values. Contact Info: Shabbir Mansuri, Founding Director, Address: P.O. Box 20186, Fountain Valley, CA 92728
Telephone: 714.839.2929 Email:info@ircv.org http://www.ircv.org/
Interfaith Council of South Orange County We are representatives of diverse faith communities gathered for the purpose of promoting
respect and understanding between different faith through dialogue, education and
common activities.Contact info: Chaplain Sheryl Faulk, President, P.O. Box 2549, Laguna Hills, CA 92654 Sfaulk@memorialcare.org
Laguna Beach Interfaith Council A collection of local church outreach persons trying to help each other by sharing
ideas on ways to improve our community and our service to that community. Our purpose
is to further communication and cooperation between the religious institutions of
Laguna Beach and between those institutions, and the community's social service agencies,
in order to better serve the needs of this community – especially the needs of the
poor, the sick, and the disenfranchised. Contact info: Don Healton, current President, 37 Tennis Villas Dr., Dana Point, CA 92629 dhealton@igc.org 949.496.2026 FAX: 949.496.1867 (by appointment only)

Laura's House 'Ending the Silence of Domestic Violence" - Changing social beliefs, attitudes and
the behaviors that perpetuate domestic violence while creating a safe space in which
to empower individuals and families affected by abuse - Laura’s House operates on
the philosophy that domestic violence is multi-dimensional and often cyclical in nature
and must be addressed through a range of interventions. Our goal is to provide support
programs that will prepare our clients and their children to live independent and
violence-free lives and prevention programs aimed at breaking the multigenerational
cycle of violence to create healthier families. We will gladly present your organization
with brochures and resources free of charge.Contact info: Marissa C. Presley, Prevention Education Specialist, 999 Corporate Drive, Suite 225,
Ladera Ranch, CA 92694, E-mail: mpresley@laurashouse.org www.laurashouse.org/
Lives Worth Saving-Gang Intervention
Equipping the Faith Based Community to impact gangs and at-risk youth, bringing positive
change to
neighborhoods Contact info: Pastor Kevin Brown, P.O. Box 23101 Santa Ana, CA. 92711 3101 E-mail: livesworthsaving@hotmail.com www.lwsgi.com
Contact Info: Elahe Amani, Director of Student Technology Services, California State University,Fullerton,
Division of Information Technology 657-278-4892 800 N. State College Blvd. LH 700, Fullerton, CA 92831

The National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ) Primary Activities: Primary activities include high school leadership programs, principally
through the Knowledge and Social Responsibility (KSR) Program, and a variety of interfaith
initiatives.History: NCCJ, founded in 1927 as The National Conference of Christians
and Jews, is a national human relations organization dedicated to fighting bias, bigotry
and racism in America and to promoting respect and understanding among people of all
races, religions and cultures through advocacy, education and conflict resolution.Contact info: 3961 MacArthur Blvd. #101, Newport Beach, CA 92660, phone: 949 442.2814 fax: 949
756.8514 orange@nccj.org http://www.nccj.org/

Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council The Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council is an interfaith dialogue organization
that is building community that honors our many voices. Among other things, we hold
monthly luncheon meetings to discuss issues of concern as well as a yearly National
Day of Prayer breakfast. Contact Info.: Dennis W. Short, P.O. Box 1175, Newport Beach, CA 92659-1175 Mobile: 714.921.8665 nmiinterfaith@aol.com nminterfaith.org
OC Human Relations Commission The OC Human Relations Commission's mission is to foster mutual understanding among
residents and eliminate prejudice, intolerance and discrimination in order to make
Orange County a better place for ALL people to live, work and do business. Contact info: Iliana Welty, Director of Community Building, 1300 S. Grand. Bldg. B Santa Ana, CA
92706, Phone: 714 567-5054 e-mail: iliana@ochumanrelations.org www.ochumanrelations.org

Orange County Chapter of The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) The OC/UNAUSA holds events, publishes periodic news by snail mail and email in order
to Inform, Educate and Mobilize local individuals in learning more about the work
of the UN. It is a not-for-profit, nonpartisan organization that encourages active
civic participation in the most important social and economic issues facing the world
today. UNA-USA offers Americans the opportunity to connect with issues confronted
by the UN - from global health and human rights to the spread of democracy, equitable
development, preservation of the environment and international justice. Contact info: e-mail info@una-oc.org http://www.una-oc.org/ Facebook: UNA Orange County Chapter
Orange County Interfaith Coalition for the Environment Mission statement: The Orange County Interfaith Coalition for the Environment (OCICE)
educates, raises awareness and empowers people to actively protect and preserve creation
through responsible stewardship Contact info.: Sherri Loveland, Co-Chair, P. O. Box 555, Tustin, CA 92781, Phone: 714.552-0333,
email: ecofaith@ocice.org OR Margaret Henke, Co-Chair, same address, Phone: 714.731.6775, Email:marghenke@cox.net http://www.ocice.org

Orange County Interfaith Peace Ministry We are a coalition of various faith-based communities working together for faith-based
peace with justice, ecumenical outreach, education, and justice awareness issues.
On our website, we provide articles, newsletters, movies and book titles, a calendar
of events and links to other organizations and individuals providing a voice for peace
with justice in a growing world of indifference and intolerance. Only speaking together
in faith and love can we overcome the darkness surrounding our communities, our leaders
and the world. Meetings held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 12:15 P.M. at the
Sisters of St. Joseph, 480 S. Batavia, Orange, CA 92868. Contact info: patriciahug@cox.net http://www.ipmoc.org

Orange County Peace Coalition Our coalition advocates the peaceful resolution of international conflicts and that this
ideal become a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy. Philosophy: The sanctity of life and the non-violent resolution of conflict are the
guiding principles behind the Orange County Peace Coalition. We believe that people
of all nations have the right, through truly democratic processes, to determine their
own destiny, free from military coercion. We acknowledge national defense as a critical
element of nationhood. However, civil liberties and democratic rights must never be
sacrificed. Constitutional and international laws must never be overridden or ignored.
We believe that questioning, criticism and dissent must be valued and protected. We
believe that all persons detained or prosecuted should have the right of due process.
These rights must be defended. We will resist the machinery of war and repression.
We make common cause with people of the world for peace, justice and freedom. Contact info: Address: Orange County Peace Coalition, PO Box 50021, Irvine, CA 92619-0021, Phone:
714.637.8313 email:info@ocpeace.org http://ocpeace.org/

Pax Christi OC Pax Christi OC is a chapter group of Pax Christi USA, which strives to create a world
that reflects the Peace of Christ by exploring, articulating, andwitnessing to the
call of Christian nonviolence. This work begins in personal life and extends to communities
of reflection and action to transform structures of society. Pax Christi USA rejects
war, preparations for war, and every form of violence and domination. It advocates
primacy of conscience, economic and social justice, and respect for creation. www.paxchristiusa.org Contact info: Sharon Halsey-Hoover, 714.420.6771 e-mail: inscapeOne@aol.com

Progressive Christians Uniting Progressive Christians Uniting is committed to equipping individuals and congregations
for the work of transforming society through the radically inclusive gospel of Jesus
Christ. Founded in Los Angeles about 10 years ago by progressive pioneers Rev. Dr.
George F. Regas & Dr. John B. Cobb, Jr., PCU seeks to organize people around issues
of justice. Within the last 2 years it has grown a significant chapter here in Orange
County. In strengthening and empowering liberal, progressive, and radical Christians
to live out a faithful commitment to the gospel of active love, we work to: -develop
networks of connections between progressive Christian congregations and individuals
throughout the Southern California region, through our website, newsletters, events,
Common Ground groups, and local chapters. More info.about our mission can be found
on our website. Contact Info: Erin Weller, OC Chapter Coordinator, 714-721-6554, eweller@pcu-la.org www.progressivechristiansuniting.org

Religious Diversity Faire Religious Diversity Faire is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing opportunities
for people to learn about the diverse faith traditions in our community. It's mission
is to promote respect, understanding and appreciation among the many faith traditions
in our communities. Our goals are to provide education, an opportunity for people
from the community to intereact with those from other faith traditions and cultural
backgrounds, to provide a safe, comfortable environment to explore our religious and
cultural differences and to discover our commonalities.and to be a catalyst for greater
understanding of and respect for all faith traditions in the larger community. We
produce an annual educational event, the Religious Diversity Faire, whose purpose
is to provide education and the opportunity for getting to know people from diverse
faith traditions. Contact info. President: Prany Sananikone, Office of OED, 4500 Berkeley Pl., Irvine, CA 92697,
Phone: 949.824.4549, Fax: 949.824.2112, Fax, e-mail: psananik@uci.edu

S.A.R.A.H. We are women committed to empowering ourselves, one another, and the community, through
our daily actions, dialogue, community, services and providing educational opportunities
by comforming to the highest and deepest values of all our faith traditions. Contact: Info: Sande Hart sandehart@mac.com
SHIP (Self Help Interfaith Program) We help homeless individuals get back on their feet. Self-Help Interfaith Program,
SHIP, is an ecumenical venture of volunteers from approximately 15 different churches
which provides a four month residential program designed for permanent self-sufficiency
of homeless individuals who are capable of obtaining full-time employment. Churches
located in West Orange County have donated facilities to host the program on a rotating
basis in Huntington Beach, Westminster, Garden Grove, Fountain Valley, Los Alamitos,
and Costa Mesa. We are always in need of new churches to house our guests for a period
of one to two weeks once or twice a year. Contact Info: Contact: Jim Huffman or Sherrill Svalstad 15161 Jackson St., Midway City, California
92655 For interested churches 714.520.7587For homeless individuals interviews: 714.897.3221
Email: gsrlicks2@aol.com :http://shipinoc.org/
Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange Justice Center Contact info: Maria Elena Perales, 480 S. Batavia Street, Orange, CA 92868, 714.633.8121, mperales@csjorange.org
St. Anselm of Canterbury Episcopal Church - Arts and Awareness Cafe Mission statement: To promote and expand faith based awareness of peace and social
justice issues.Contact Info: The Rev. Wilfredo Benitez, St. Anselm of Canterbury Episcopal Church, 13091 Galway
Street, Garden Grove, CA. 92844 714.537.0604 e-mail: Stanselmgg@aol.com www.Saintanselmgg.org

St. Mark Presbyterian Church - Peace and Justice Commission Whoever you are, Wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome
at St. Mark. We are an inclusive church community with open arms and open minds. A
portion of our Theological Mission Statement reads: We live our lives in the conviction
that God is at work today establishing the reign of God’s love, peace, and justice
in this world., Our mission, therefore, is to act as God’s hands and voice, as agents
of reconciliation and companions in our commitment to Jesus’ vision. So, we worship
and study to the end that we might grow ever faithful and effective in doing Christ’s
work in our time and place.Contact Info: Contact: Pastor Gary Collins, 2200 San Joaquin Hills Rd, Newport Beach, CA 92660;
949.644.1341; e-mail :thecollins1@cox.net http://www.stmarkpresbyterian.org/

TIAS ARMS Mission statement: Tias Arms is a non-profit, non-denominational organization that
believes in providing a dignified, nurturing, and compassionate environment for orphaned
or abandoned children affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Our goal also is to provide
a hospice environment to comfort these children in their final stages of life. Contact info: Joanne Baker, 3 Wild Goose Ct., Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone: 949.650.6254 Email: tias_arms@yahoo.com (underscore between tias and arms) www.tiasarms.org

UNIFEM Southern California UNIFEM is the women’s fund at the UN. It provides financial and technical assistance
to innovative programs and strategies to foster women’s empowerment and gender equality
and places the advancement of women’s human rights at the center of all its efforts.
UNIFEM/USA supports these projects and offers American women the opportunity to reach
out to women in the rest of the world who are struggling against poverty, disease,
and prejudice. Contact info::Angela Rubio, 949.278.9773 rubioagr@yahoo.com UNIFEM/Southern CA: unifemsocal@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 51531, Irvine, CA 92619-1531 CeCe Sloan, SoCal Chapter President: 949.458.7967
orcece@fea.net More information can be found at UNIFEM http://www.unifem.org/ and http://www.unifemusa.org/.

UNISON Interfaith Choir The mission of UNISON Interfaith Choir is to foster harmony and mutual understanding
between faith communities of Southern California through the collaborative creation
of interfaith musical presentations, educational programs, and recordings. We produce
our own concerts, plus we are available to sing at events that promote justice, peace,
and interfaith understanding. Contact Info: Beth Syverson, 714.376.6666, e-mail: director@UNISONchoir.org www.UNISONchoir.org
University of California Irvine Center for Citizen Peacebuilding Contact info: Paula Garb or David Snow, Co-Directors, University of California, Irvine , 3151 Social
Science Plaza, Irvine, CA 92697-5100; phone: 949.824.8687 email: Paula Garb: pgarb@uci.edu; Website:http://www.socsci.uci.edu/~cpb/
University of California, Irvine - Center for Global Peace & Conflict Studies (CGPACS) info: cgpacs@uci.edu
University of California, Irvine International Studies International Studies provides an interdisciplinary perspective on global politics,
societies, cultures and history. Contact info: Mike Roesler, University of California, Irvine, School of Social Sciences, International
Studies Program, 3151 Social Science Plaza, Irvine,CA 92697-5100, phone:949.824.8687
mroesler@uci.edu http://internationalstudies.ss.uci.edu/

University of California, Irvine - Olive Tree Initiative The primary goal of The Olive Tree Initiative is for UCI students to travel to Israel
on a yearly basis to hear perspectives from Israeli and Palestinian academics, community
leaders, and activists who have first-hand knowledge of the conflict and to bring
what we learned back to the UCI community Contact Info: Evonne Liew, University of California, Irvine, 3151 Social Science Plaza, Irvine,
CA 92697, 949.824.8687, 8248687, e-mail: eliew@uci.edu http://www.uci.edu/uci/features/feature_olivetree_081020.php and for video about the trip: http://www.uci.edu/video/olivetree/

Violence Prevention Coalition of Orange County (VPCOC) The Violence Prevention Coalition of Orange County is the only countywide affiliation
of businesses, community organizations, public and private agencies, and individuals
seeking to promote violence prevention through a public health approach. Membership:
Includes over 30 organizations, and individuals with the commitment to promote violence
prevention in Orange County Goals: Promote policies that prevent violenceChange community
norms by establishing non-violence as a desirable behavior. Foster communication
and collaboration among community members, stakeholders, and agencies currently addressing
violence in Orange County. Mission Statement: To promote the health and wellness of
our community by reducing violence. Vision: The Violence Prevention of Orange County
will mobilize Orange County residents through education regarding those factors that
contribute to violence and by advocating violence prevention strategies to break the
cycle of violence within individuals, families, neighborhoods and the community as
a whole. Challenges: Funding for projects including a social marketing initiative,
Pocket Resource Cards, Fact Sheets, and the annual Ambassador's of Peace Luncheon.
Primary Activities: Quarterly meetings on topics regarding all forms of violence,
Annual Ambassador of Peace Luncheon honoring individuals in the community who are
promoting violence prevention. Policy Committee: Reviews legislation concerned with the prevention of violence. Provides accurate
information regarding violence policy issues. Resource Committee: Acts as a resource for violence prevention information and coalition information.
Produces fact sheets, calendar of violence prevention activities, and current membership
informationCommunity Awareness and Networking: Identifies and conducts community awareness activities to increase public awareness
of issues related to the prevention of violence and the Coalition.Executive Committee: Provides leadership regarding violence prevention strategies and activities of the
Coalition. Conducts Coalition business. Committee includes members from each committee
and Coalition members at large. History: The VPCOC was established in 1996. Contact info.: Chair: Mary Marlin, Address: 480 S. Batavia St. Orange, CA 92868, Phone Number: 949.858.1608
Fax: 949.858.1608 e-mail: healthoptns@earthlink.net

Visualize World Peace H.B. It's hard for most people to imagine that peace is even possible in our world. Our
group wants to change that mindset. We think that peace cannot be achieved unless
people believe that it is possible to have peace. Once the "peace possible" mindset
has been achieved, we will have the brains and courage to do what needs to be done
in our world to achieve peace. We are working at changing this mindset by displaying
a banner that says: "Visualize World Peace; It's Up to You ". We have done this every
Sunday night since just before the war in Iraq started and will continue to do so
until we achieve world peace. We meet at the foot of the Huntington Beach pier from
7:00 to 8:00 P.M. Sunday nights. Please join us - or display your own banner in another
part of our world. We'll be glad to tell you what works for us. Contact info: Monique Theriault; theriaum@alumni.uci.edu Carol Zwaans: czwaans@socal.rr.com Facebook Page: visualizeworldpeace
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